This is a place where the waves meets the lighthouse. where all is true, where I can breathe
Thursday, November 03, 2005
But wow more than 1500 visitors… I am surprised…its not like I have been doing anything lately, not even reading, this is like the draught year and I haven’t got a job yet... its certainly the worst year ever with dying and failing and all that, the scary thing is that it can always get worse, and just when you think that it will be better, it doesn’t… but I am not that cynical or pessimistic, its just I cant talk like this around my friends or family, so its much easier to blurt it out on cyberspace… where no one knows you and no one cares… not as if they care here…
Anyways, it’s hard to put on a smiling face when you’re bursting inside and hard to cry, because people don’t like a whining child, but I am not pessimistic, because I thank God everyday, and I really have sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much that others don’t have, and I can enjoy so many things others don’t even appreciate, and because I have so many nice things inside of me, and because I look at the big picture…
but fear.. I can’t kill fear…
The Machinery
“without really wanting at all, they [the majority of men] pay calls and carry on conversations, sit out their hours at desks and on office chairs; and it is all compulsory, mechanical and against the grain, and it could all be done or left undone just as well by machines; and indeed it is this never-ceasing machinery that prevents their being, like me, the critics of their own lives and recognizing the stupidity and shallowness, the hopeless tragedy and waste of the lives they lead, and the awful ambiguity grinning over it all. And they are right, right a thousand times to live as they do, playing their games and pursuing their business , instead of resisting the dreary machine and staring into the void as I do who have left the track.” – Steppenwolf, Herman Hesse
Friday, July 01, 2005
It's Alright Ma
Bob Dylan
Darkness at the break of noon
Shadows even the silver spoon
The handmade blade, the child's balloon
Eclipses both the sun and moon
To understand you know too soon
There is no sense in trying.
Pointed threats, they bluff with scorn
Suicide remarks are torn
From the fool's gold mouthpiece
The hollow horn plays wasted words
Proves to warn
That he not busy being born
Is busy dying.
Temptation's page flies out the door
You follow, find yourself at war
Watch waterfalls of pity roar
You feel to moan but unlike before
You discover
That you'd just be
One more person crying.
So don't fear if you hear
A foreign sound to your ear
It's alright, Ma, I'm only sighing.
As some warn victory, some downfall
Private reasons great or small
Can be seen in the eyes of those that call
To make all that should be killed to crawl
While others say don't hate nothing at all
Except hatred.
Disillusioned words like bullets bark
As human gods aim for their mark
Made everything from toy guns that spark
To flesh-colored Christs that glow in the dark
It's easy to see without looking too far
That not much
Is really sacred.
While preachers preach of evil fates
Teachers teach that knowledge waits
Can lead to hundred-dollar plates
Goodness hides behind its gates
But even the president of the United States
Sometimes must have
To stand naked.
An' though the rules of the road have been lodged
It's only people's games that you got to dodge
And it's alright, Ma, I can make it.
Advertising signs that con you
Into thinking you're the one
That can do what's never been done
That can win what's never been won
Meantime life outside goes on
All around you.
You lose yourself, you reappear
You suddenly find you got nothing to fear
Alone you stand with nobody near
When a trembling distant voice, unclear
Startles your sleeping ears to hear
That somebody thinks
They really found you.
A question in your nerves is lit
Yet you know there is no answer fit to satisfy
Insure you not to quit
To keep it in your mind and not fergit
That it is not he or she or them or it
That you belong to.
Although the masters make the rules
For the wise men and the fools
I got nothing, Ma, to live up to.
For them that must obey authority
That they do not respect in any degree
Who despise their jobs, their destinies
Speak jealously of them that are free
Cultivate their flowers to be
Nothing more than something
They invest in.
While some on principles baptized
To strict party platform ties
Social clubs in drag disguise
Outsiders they can freely criticize
Tell nothing except who to idolize
And then say God bless him.
While one who sings with his tongue on fire
Gargles in the rat race choir
Bent out of shape from society's pliers
Cares not to come up any higher
But rather get you down in the hole
That he's in.
But I mean no harm nor put fault
On anyone that lives in a vault
But it's alright, Ma, if I can't please him.
Old lady judges watch people in pairs
Limited in sex, they dare
To push fake morals, insult and stare
While money doesn't talk, it swears
Obscenity, who really cares
Propaganda, all is phony.
While them that defend what they cannot see
With a killer's pride, security
It blows the minds most bitterly
For them that think death's honesty
Won't fall upon them naturally
Life sometimes
Must get lonely.
My eyes collide head-on with stuffed graveyards
False gods, I scuff
At pettiness which plays so rough
Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
Kick my legs to crash it off
Say okay, I have had enough
What else can you show me?
And if my thought-dreams could be seen
They'd probably put my head in a guillotine
But it's alright, Ma, it's life, and life only.
Bob Dylan
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Sunday, June 19, 2005

Why do I connect with very different people at very different places and times?
I have always been fascinated with the American south; Tennessee Williams is one of my favorite authors, Faulkner is THE best American author.
Last year I read a book about history of slavery, and I have always been disgusted and revolted by the idea that some humans can enslave others.
So, I just couldn�t help not following the trial of Killen who is accused of killing 3 civil rights activists back in 1964.
The whole thing was made into a movie called Mississippi burning, starring whoopi Goldberg (it comes a lot on TV) and I had read about this incident some years ago, but the murders (a gang of Ku Klux Klan) never really went onto a trial and the murderers remained free.
So seeing one of them finally indicted and tried seems more like fictional than real life.

Saturday, June 18, 2005
East of Eden
i wanted to make ulyssess my summer project this year, but i just happened to pick up east of eden which has been lying on the desk for quite some time now,
the novel is a family saga, that takes place in California between the time of the civil war and the first world war.
its 600 pages, so i will probably read many stuff on the side with it.
I wish i had seen the movie, first of all i LOVE classical movies, and then there is james dean..
i remember once i had a discussion with my father about james dean when i was maybe 11 or 12. it was when i started reading about history of films and from what i read i got the impression that he's such a big shot and that he was such an idol and symbol, but then i learnt that he only made 5 movies, so i asked my father how come he's that famous, and my father told me because it was a time when people needed change, and they had to have some sort of a symbol to that change, dean was good looking, had a new style, and he died early a tragic death, he became that symbol that people were looking for just like elvis became a symbol of rebellion and change... elvis pelvis.. i loved him :)
i miss my father.
very few people know any
1. Virginia Woolf is my favorite author
2. I wanted to be a high energy astrophysicist
3. I am crazy about sixties: music, I love the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, the movies, the clothes, the hair
4. I enjoy my own company
5. I have never been in love
6. I can’t stand having someone call me over the phone everyday to ask me “how are you doing” and chat.
7. I hate petty talk
8. I can sit for the rest of my life in front of TV
9. I can’t stand most of my friends.
10. The best presents I got where always what I bought myself and they were always books.
11. I have never had a fight or an argument with anyone in my life.
12. I hate intolerance, I hate when people make comments about religion, color or class.
13. I wanted to live in the English country side, or in the Hebrides
14. I pray since I was 10.
15. I used to call ALL of my classmates during summer vacation to ask them how they were doing, and none of them called back.
16. I can’t enjoy anything anymore.
17. I can’t find any career that I want to pursue.
18. I used to know all world capitals when I was 10
19. I started writing a book about the kings and queens of England when I was 16; I made a full genealogy tree for them.
20. I want to be 12 again
i know i should stop moaning about the past...
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Dream Deferred
by Langston Hughes
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore--
And then run?
Does it stink
like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over--
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
the cobwebs
I just wish I could pack all those past 5 years in one small box and put it under my disk.
Or just flush them down the toilet.
But we are the years, we are what we have become, not what we used to be.
I can’t go on crying for what I used to be and what I am not.
I was killed. Or did I kill myself... I certainly left myself bleeding to death.
I have never been through a fight in my life,
I never stood up for anything, not even for myself.
I can’t still deal with the person I have become.
و تعبت و اتخنقت و قرفت و زهقت مني
خلاص مش عايزاني تاني و لا بقيت فاهمة حاجة و مبقتش قادرة اعيط و
يا لهوي انتوا ازاي يا بشر عايشين من غير عياط
I know I have been in this depression for 3 years.. we ma7dsh 7ases, beyshofeni bad7k and joking about everything. We ma7desh geh zarni min gowa… yaaaaaaaaah none of them knows me, its so hard speaking a different language, and its so hard speaking a language not your own your entire life… I am starting to forget the alphabet.
Ana mot emta..
Why did I leave myself.
And why cant I pick my self again.
Wipe the tears, clean the floor, and remove the cobwebs with a mob.
Saturday, May 28, 2005
Friday, May 20, 2005
everyday i have a thought and i want to write about something
but then there are the exams, which have just started and life isnt getting any easier..
But i will be back soon ISA, there is just so much to write about
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
صلاح جاهين
لون الحنين و الشوق و خمر النديم
ما تعرفوش سايق عليكو النبي
تلونوا الأيام بلون النعيم؟
و عجبي !!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
The Sentence - Anna Akhmatova
On my still-living breast.
Never mind, I was ready.
I will manage somehow.
Today I have so much to do:
I must kill memory once and for all,
I must turn my soul to stone,
I must learn to live again--
Unless . . . Summer's ardent rustling
Is like a festival outside my window.
For a long time I've foreseen this
Brilliant day, deserted house.
books and exams
My exams are less than 3 weeks away, and I want to get out of this stupid college, I already failed two midterms, and I have no idea what I did in the rest.
Anyways, I feel so bad because I haven’t read anything, ANYTHING, for 2 months now, I have never went through such a period of drought, I only read one or two issues of national geographic.
I got out so many books out the library to read, I already have “East of Eden” by John Steinbeck... which is very good candidate, I haven’t been to American 1920’s for quite sometime now, and well, it’s a very rich novel, I like family sagas, and I haven’t read anything for Steinbeck except "of mice and men" about 6 years ago.
But I had already decided that this year is solely for books, not novels, so there’s Freud’s “interpretation of Dreams” I read already around 70 pages in it, but its still is a long way, the book is 700 pages, I haven’t reached yet any of the interesting stuff, and I wont reach for sometime…
And then there is book that made me read War and peace: “Natasha’s Dance, a cultural history of Russia” I had read first about it in BBC’s History magazine, then when I saw it in AUC bookstore and for less than 100 LE I bought it… I just love Russian Literature, and I really believe that we as Egyptians can easily relate with them (well, at some point in our history and in their history, certainly not now) the peasants, rural life, the struggle between westernization and traditional beliefs and ways. It’s an immensely rich culture.
But then I feel guilty … How can I start reading a 700 page book about Russian Culture, and I haven’t finished yet the remaining 500 Pages in the the book “Tareekh elfekr elphalshy lel 3rb” I started that one around two and half years ago, and I totally admit I was a complete ignorant regarding Arab and Islamic Philosophy, but when I started reading I realized I was below ignorant, I just knew the names, I mean I heard about elmo3tazla, I read little about Shia3a, el7alag and ibn el3rbi, and I saw el maseer : )
I didn’t know the authors (my mistake of course, Hanna Elfakhoury & Khalil Elgar) and I was afraid the book would be biased or something, specially that I didn’t have anything to compare it with, it’s the first time I read about Islamic philosophy, but from my humble experience I think so far that its impartial.
I was totally dazzled with elmo3tazla, and I found ekhwan elsafa extremely interesting to the point that I started talking like them, “e3lam ayoha elakh”: ) but I stopped at Ibn El3rbi’s chapter, I remember when I was in thanwia amma we had a poem by him, and I was obsessed with it, I loved it so much, and it got me into reading mowsh7at elandalousia…. I am soooooo stupid why didn’t I continue the book; I have a book about elmowsh7at I should start reading that too.
And then there is the invincible Michel Foucault, after reading Edward Said’s “Orientalism” I thought the sky is limit, lets read Foucault and Wittgenstein and maybe Ulysses, so I went and bought “ The Archeology of knowledge” by Foucault, and when I started reading the first two pages, I realized this was the wrong place and the wrong time (February) elketab me7tag makhmakha, and winter isn’t the time, and certainly not spring, spring is the season of depression, and this isn’t certainly the kind of book I can read in CTA as I am going to college, or before I go to sleep.. This needs a3da lewa7do... so its back ma3a ekhwato on the bookshelf...
it wont be 2 month before I finish, a small play seems to be the most appropriate thing, or an Arabic novel, I hate to walk around with Arabic novels, people ask me all sort of stupid questions and comments like : bet7ki 3an eih elqesa, (shocked) eih dah bet2re naguib mahfoz?!
I hate exams…
Friday, April 29, 2005
olna mafish fayda
Since everyone is talking about it, I suppose I should too.
Last week I read in eldostour that our honorable (and only one I have known in my lifetime) president is giving a prolonged interview with Emad Adeeb who as they say will run his next Election campaign, and directed by sherif arafa , I noticed how they introduced him between brackets (director of the movie mafia) in a very obvious insinuation : )
I read somewhere (probably eldestour) that it’s expected that he will announce a big surprise. I thought akherha he’ll finally appoint a vice president, probably Omar Suliman…
So, of course I will watch it, but then it was a hectic week and I forgot so I just manage to see the last half hour of the first part.
First of all emad Adeeb Really gets on my nervous, can someone please tell me why does he “eat” words, why cant he articulate, why does he have to “cut” between every word and the other… anyways, it took me only 10 minutes to realize what this is about: The “show” is about to end and Mubarak is still parading his military accomplishments, so I realized this is it, this is what the show is really about, its just one big ad for mubarak, obviously he’s trying to make us ne7s 3ala damna, trying to remind us of the many sacrifices he made to this country and the accomplishments he made (which interestingly enough were all before he became president), so I switch to One TV to watch a sitcom…
The second day… its unbelievable they’re still talking about 1973 and elthaghra… they are trying to dazzle us with “history in the making” as Adeeb says showing us the command and control room and the real maps… Then he keeps talking about how a president should have good judgment call, especially in military matters, because he’s “qa2d ela3la lel qwat elmosla7a” and that it’s not an easy task (ekatb 3alina el7okm el3askri ba2i 7aytna ya3ni walla eih mesh fahmah) Maho Bill Clinton went to oxford instead of serving in Vietnam.. there was a lot of ay kalam, that any normal rational person can easily rebut, bas ma 3alina…
ghayar elqana…
Third day, this is the big day, ElAhram getting us all thrilled “President today decides whether or not he will run for office”, and again I manage to miss the entire hour and half of the show (lucky me) I get to the part where Emad Adib asks him about Emergency Laws and he answers back saying that he suggested an terrorist bill to the Egyptian parliament before and they had refused (eih, emta, leeeh, feen) and that if it weren’t for these laws we’d be in state of war now.. tayb tayb..
Then I notice something interesting, I suddenly remember that around 3 months ago I read in Soot elomma about Mohamed Sayed Said (I cant remember his name) he’s a socialist activist and writer, and Adel Hammouda was writing about how he got persecuted and his nadwa was cancelled in the Book Fair, Because in the open discussion that mubark holds every year in the opening of the book fair, he ventured to ask him questions that were quite “bold” and then Hammouda wrote the entire questions and how mubark answered..
Its déjà vu again, I hear the same questions from Adeeb again. “seyat elrays e7na mesh damneen law 7ad gheerk hay3ml feena eih” , then the same questions about emergency laws, it’s the exact way, the exact questions Mohamed Sayd asked!! Of course this time, Mubark doesn’t tell him “enta moshaghb” as he told Mohamed Sayd, He’s prepared and manages to answer saying nothing!
Anyways, we come to the final 64,000 $ question, and then we come to “ elba3ta” elkobra… this will be remembered as elba3ta elkobra le sant 2005, seriously ya3ni.. did people really expect anything from the guy!! Come on people, its may and the elections are in November…
I am just happy that I didn’t waste my time watching el talmee3 wel warneesh..
I am sorry for the poor fools who watched it, wasted more than 6 hours of their lives and expected him to step out of office…
I am really happy to realize that I made the right decision when I decided to stop buying elahram two months ago
Mafish Fayda
This is my first post,
For so long I have heard about blogs, but I have never really tried to explore them. I have been online for more than 8 years now, but I never realized how the net community here has grown until, I discovered this world.
As I read others blogs, I discover very different people, people who have something to say, people other than the ones I am so bored to death seeing everyday.
I have always wanted to write, but I was always maybe lazy, shy, or maybe it’s just my usual cynicism: it won’t make a difference… but maybe it will, I’ll just give it a try.
I can’t find a way. I can see all the paths clearly in front of me, and nothing makes a difference
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
حدوتة مصرية
رأيت كل شئ
و تعبت على الحقيقة
قابلت في الطريق عيون كتير برئية
اعرف بشر
عرفوني... ؟
لأ, معرفونيش
قبلوني و قبلتهم
بمد ايدي...لأ
طاب ليه متقبلنيش
لا يهمني اسمك
لا يهمني عنوانك
لا يهمني لونك
و لا ولادك
يهمني الأنسان
ولو مالوش عنوان
يا ناس يا ناس
هي دي الحدوتة
حدوتة مصرية